Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Matthew 5:1-12

Once Jesus gained the following of some many people He began to teach them. In Chapter five we see the clear essence of His ministry teaching through the sermon on the mount. The Beattitudes are the focal point of the entire sermon and set the tone and disposition a believer should display. In my studies I have often moved quickly through the first 11 verses to get to the "practical stuff" of Jesus' teaching, but it has become clear to me through this reading that I must slow down and concentrate on the reading of verses 1-11. They form the heart of His message for the church in having a proper self-awareness.

His first statment has been misuderstood and often ignored because of that misunderstanding. Blessed are the poor in spirit means that we have a proper understanding of ourself in relation to the world. It is difficult for a hyper-individualistic society in which the educational system has worked endlessly to build up the self esteem, to understand that a person must be poor in spirit, meaning they have a good understanding of humility.

His second statment is Blessed are those who mourn, meaning that those who are poor in spirit, that have a proper understanding of thier inward disposition of sin, are repentent about it. They have the proper response to the sinfulness they see in their hearts.

His third statment is Blessed are the meek, meaning that those who understand their condition, are repentent of their condition, understand that the remedy for their condition did not come from their abilities, rather it came from the work of Christ. Meekness is the proper attitude of listening to others before you speak into a situation.

These three Beattitudes form the core of what a Christian should look like internally and as I am reflecting on my own life I see a major gap in my disposition from what is mentioned in Scripture. I am typically first to speak, cut other off, declare my point of view, push my agenda, and I think I am a pretty good person. This is not the proper place that my heart should be in relation to God.

All other parts of the Sermon on the Mount must be seen in the proper understanding of the Beattitudes, or else the autonomous self will seek to use the words of Christ to their advantage.

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