Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Matthew 1:18-25

In this section of Scripture the angel of the Lord refered to Jesus as Immanuel, meaning God with us. Out of all the religions in the world we rarley see an almighty God humbling Himself to become part of his people in order to save them. These should be shocking words to us and should stir in us several questions. However, in our popular culture today these thoughts are given very little attention and accepted because we do not fully comprehend the holiness of God.

Our Sovereign Lord displays all attributes of holiness for us his people who are far from holy. We are not able to participate in a right relationship with God because our fallen nature prevents us from entering into His presence. We can not save ourselves and therefore we needed a mediator to stand between our fallen nature and the holy wrath of God. Therefore, God sent Christ.

But the question that should stir our inward being is how can God be human yet not sinful. Is not human nature equated with sinfulness and selfishness? How can Jesus keep the law, yet be a man? He is able to do something that our first father could not: obey. Our obedience has been secured for us through Christ. Only the God/Man could fulfill such a perfection. So the question is not whether Jesus was God or Man, or some mixture, but to identify Him as something altogether different: he was fully God and fully Man. This is why in Romans God can call Himself Just (Holy) and the Justifier (Our Savior).

It is so encourages me that we have a faith that God has done the work of Salvation. When I realize this fully my obedience flows with gratitude towards my Savior.

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