Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Matthew 4:23-25

I often wonder what it would have been like had Jesus been ministering in our day and age. How would we have responded to a person declaring that they could heal, cast out demons, and teach the truth of Old Testament Scriptures? I think we would have held a large degree of skepticism towards this in our modern worldview of Science and Emperical truth. But not so the 1st Century AD. Jesus was known as the Great Physician and consistently healed people of various diseases. Our response would not have been faith, but these people followed Jesus because of His ability to heal.

Although Jesus did many miracles, this was not the main emphais of His ministry to the people. These might have been the felt needs of the people - immediate concerns that caught their attention- but it allowed Him to gain a following to hear the need of their real needs - meaning the spiritual needs of the unregenate heart.

So often I know that Jesus still works in me the same way, only I take the provision of my needs in a very unflective manner. I am consistently taking credit for the standard of living I enjoy, and I am confident in my abilities to maintain a good job. This is, however, allowed by the grace of God and I should respond as such in my life. I am so very thankful that God has allowed me to have both my felt needs and spiritual needs addressed through Christ.

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