Monday, May 4, 2009

Matthew 5:13-16

This passage is common in the pulpit and is typically preached as an exhortation to share the gospel with others. However, I wonder if more is going on than first appears. I have heard the phrase in my seminary class that the imperative is always based on the indicative, meaning that what I do is always based on who I am, or who I have been declared to be. In this passage we could say that we have been made salt, and we have been declared the light. Now since we are these things, what is purpose of being made or declared these things? It is clear that salt and light have a purpose. That purpose should be embraced as a person.

As Christians we are declared righteous for a purpose. We have a distinct calling in life that revolves around proclaiming Christ. The subtle difference is not declaring I am this special light or special salt but that it is not about me whatsoever. God is using me to fulfill His divine plan. I am therefore, called to purposeful life that revolves around following His calling.

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