Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Peter 1:10-12 The Longing of Angels

It is fascinating to me that Peter comments on the longings of angels and that they are intently interested in what is going to happen in the cosmic story of mankind. It is the salvation of man that they are they are watching so that they might understand what the times and circumstances are leading up to. God has made a promise to man in the presence of all his creation, including the angels and now they are intent on finding out how He will bring this promise to fruition. But my heart in comparison yawns again at the gospel, knowing that my salvation is sure and that Christ has saved me. Why, being the one that is actually being saved, am I not intently looking into the ways of Christ each and everyday? My heart is dull towards the gospel and I should take a lesson from the angels.

Peter also says that the prophets were all pointing towards this moment when Christ would provide a way of salvation. They all look forward, seeking out the Messiah, and trying to understand the greater plan of God. Many of them were confused, as was Peter, thinking that the rule of Christ would be a physical Kingship similar to King David. But Christ was save all through the sacrifice of Himself on the Cross, something that no one saw coming, although all the OT imagery pointed to it. We, as modern day Christians, are so hard on Peter and others for not understanding, but we would have made the same mistakes, if not more, if we were in their shoes.

It was not until the sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles that they were truly able to understand what happened to Christ and why it had to happen. The power of the Holy Spirit is not primarily healing, tongues, or miracles. The power of the Spirit is knowledge and understanding. Peter was given this knowledge, a simple fisherman, and his first sermon 3,000 were saved. We as Christians should be seeking after knowledge of what Christ has done and live in response to that. Instead we are often seeking after an experience of power from the Spirit that starts with emotions. Peter's main message here is "READ!" The angels longed to see these things, the prophets always were searching after these things, and you have it written down in a beautiful leather bound book. Stop searching for an emotional experience and begin to search Scripture through intense study and the emotions will flow from the promises found within the Scripture.

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