Monday, July 6, 2009

The Courage to Be Protestant

When I presented the summer reading books for my teachers, I told them that the first one, The Dumbest Generation, presented a problem, but gave no real answers. This is true as you can see in my previous post, but what is the answer to our cultural issues that we face with education? That is why I submitted the second book for our teachers to read called The Courage to Be Protestant. In this book, I believe we find an answer to our cultural deterioration. That deterioration does not come from the culture of 15-25 year olds but it comes from a deeper source, found in the roots of our nation's spirituality.

America has consistently been termed as a Christian Nation. It has Christian values embedded within the founding documents and to a degree the nation was founded on universal moral laws, agreed upon by the community and taught throughout the educational process to citizens. This objective view of truth, morality, and law have changed through post-modern influences and this can be most readily seen in the church. David Wells identifies the same issues in the church that are in the greater culture. The church today must market itself under the guise of entertainment and consumer preferences. What gets lost in this process is the Truth, or at least an objective view of the Truth.

This is what we are here to fight against in the education of children. At our school we seek to provide that universal, objective understanding of Truth in light of God. Morality flows from the very attributes of God's character and we are not submitting to the cultural pressure to be entertaining. Truth is not always something that we want to hear and therefore we must have courage to preach this Truth to our students. That Truth is the Gospel in all areas of our life.

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