Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

My goal this summer is to read all the summer reading books that the students have been assigned and to write a one-page reflection about them. It seems only fair that as I have assigned these books for reading that I submit myself to the assignment as well. It has been a joy to re-read these classic books and to see the depth to which C.S. Lewis went to bring meaning to his stories.

In the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe the images are clear as we see Aslan, the famous Lion and Christ figure of the stories, sacrifice Himself for the people of Narnia. We should all be reminded that we have a Savior who has gone to great lengths to sacrifice Himself for us so that we might enjoy a right relationship with Him. But another underlying theme of the story that is not often talked about would be the encouragement that Aslan continued to give the children throughout the fighting. His instruction to Peter and Edmund was to step up and the be the men that they will become. They had a distinct purpose for the salvation that was granted to them and that purpose was to fight.

I believe that C.S. Lewis is providing for us the same encouragment in the life we lead while on earth. Only our fight is not with swords and shields but for obedience and love towards others. Our weapons are the knowledge of God and the Holy Spirit which enables our good actions. It is clear that we are not to remain children in our understanding of the Lord but to become mature in our faith so that we might act like Kings and Queens, which are ambassadors of the Lord.

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